Who seeks finds? No, who BricUp finds!

The “BricUp!" project born with the aim of hosting catalogs containing thousands of any possible kind of item related to the world of hardware (gardening and agriculture, tools, construction, plumbing and household items, electrical equipment, etc.), and guaranteeing the best price to the final user. Another mission of the project is to promote and support local trade and re-sellers.
- Art Direction
- UI / UX
- Back office
- App developer

How to enjoy the pluses of BricUp? By downloading the "Bric up!" App for free and by registering, you can receive real-time updates on the best current offers and browse catalogs hosting a wide range of hardware products. But it’s not over: the application allows you to locate the nearest store that has in stock the product of your interest, classifying it based on the most convenient offer.
Brand Identity
A lettering, on two levels, and a pictorial outline element, in clear reference to a screw (symbol of the hardware sector) make up the Bric up logo. The pictogram indicates, on further reading, a stylized exclamation point that strengthens the value of UP and the brand's value system.

Color Palette